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It is rightly said teachers are constantly in the making of bigger and better human beings. Billabong High International School has exactly the teachers parents desire for their children.

However the job a teacher is at is not an easy one. A classroom is as diverse as it gets! From students all across the country, different regions as well as religion, diverse state of mind, upbringing and habits a classroom situation for a teacher is certainly full of challenges.

Here is a quick guideline or a quick insight into the types of students. This may help teachers to adopt suitable strategies to deal with situations and students of one of the following types.

There are broadly four types of students that you may find in your classroom:

1- Attention demanding students
There are students who always demand attention. They can do this by either trying to dominant each discussion or activity in the class or by being always hyper. These students may often have a valid point or answer however every student deserves equal attention and chance.
Counsel these students after the class to let others speak and give equal opportunities to their fellow friends. You can also always have a raise your hand rule and pick the ones who seldom get a chance to answer.

2- Never ready students
There will be some students in your class who are never ready with their home work or ore class assignments. Identify the one’s who are always never ready and the ones who occasionally falter.
You must make your assignment expectations clearly to the students in the very beginning. And take out time to reinstate your expectations by practical example. For instance let the whole class read out one by one the chapter you gave to read as a home assignment. This can help you identify as well as rectify the doers and the non doers.

3- Lost ones
A classroom always has some students who are often lost in their own world. They will either be staring out if the window or a pencil or something else while you are teaching. These students need to be engaged one way or the other.
Check that your method of teaching should neither be too difficult nor too easy. Try to make some fun entertaining ways of learning a part of your class to keep everyone involved and interested.

4- Rude and disrespectful students
These students cause a lot of problem in a class. They are rude and disrespectful towards their class mates as well as the teachers. They pose great danger to class discipline and proper functioning of the class.
It is best to identify such students in the very beginning and let them know the guidelines laid down by the school for civil behavior ad well as the consequences of not adhering to the same.

Every term brings in new students waiting to explore the limits and try new things. Teachers find themselves face to face with new challenges every time they enter a class room. But a child after all is a child and is way more receptive and open to learning than you think he is. All he needs is the right guidance at the right time.

Billabong School Thane let’s each student explore new possibilities with proper support at proper places.

Is your child facing difficulty in concentrating?

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Are you looking for tips to increase your child’s concentration? Billabong School Thane is here to help you in this regard. Here are few tips which can effectively boost your child’s concentration.

  1. Partition a big task into small tasks

A major task requires deep concentration, so it would be a smart move to divide it into smaller modules. This could be applied to housework, homework and learning new skills.

  1. Reducing distractions

Unless occupied with something they truly like, youngsters may think that it’s hard to screen out diversions. You have to maintain the ambiance where they learn, study or complete tasks, as diversion free as possible.

Be particularly careful about TV, noises, loud music and whatever else that may divert the child’s consideration.

  1. TV and Cell Phones

It is not a smart move to stare at the TV while doing homework, since this grabs the attention. Text messages also distract a child. Try not to allow your child to use their PDAs or read text messages while studying.

  1. Doing homework at the same hour every day

Rehashing the same activity consistently at that hour, in the end, transforms it into a propensity. Slowly it will help in increasing concentration. The mind will realize that the ideal opportunity to that activity has arrived, and would be all the more ready to do that.

  1. Give them enough physical activity

Try physical activity, such as playing, running or some games. This would help the children to increase their concentration while studying.

  1. Give children a chance to have some good times

Giving too many tasks and involving children in lots of activities could be overpower and tiring for their brains. As a parent you ought to give them enough time for joy and fun, so they don’t feel excessively pressurized.

  1. Enough rest

Make sure that the child has enough rest.

  1. Set time for the completion of a goal

Set the timeline for accomplishing a goal. Be lenient while setting a timeline. It is just to increase concentration not to pressurize a child.

  1. Give some time before starting a new task

When your child is busy, let him know what he needs to do next, however wait for a couple of minutes, till he stops and begins the new tasks.

These were some tried and tested tips from Billabong School Thane. For more info, contact them.


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Motivating kids can be a hell of a job we all know. Kids have whims and fancies of their own.

What do they do the most?
Exactly what you want them to do the least.
And what do they do the least?
Exactly what you want them to do the most.

Well we know how to simplify this and get your kids to cooperate with you. Here is how:

1- Talk it out and loud
Meaningful conversations with parents can mean a lot to kids. It is their age to be curious about everything interesting and New. It is how you introduce them to a task that matters.
For instance while asking them to clean up their room tell them how important it is to have a neat and clean room.
While they are at their task be around ask then how it feels to do the job at hand or do they need any help.
Another thing is to encourage by way of complimenting. Even if the task is not perfect that fact that the kid tried is worth appreciating.

2- Imperfections are perfect
Imperfect completion of task shows the attempt made. Perfect or imperfect is secondary. Appreciate your child’s efforts rather than finding faults.
Criticism will drive them away from every task you assign them.
So let the imperfect tasks flow in and wait till your child the same task perfectly after a few attempts.

3- Practice what you preach
It is said that if you want to teach your child a particular thing just do it in front of him. So if you don’t want you child to fight try to control the urge to get into a fight with your spouse too. Instead display a cordial and peaceful way of resolving fights.
Hoe many times do you ask your child to give you a second while you are busy with some work and don’t go back to him for more than half an hour or more? A child learns the same thing. Next time you ask him to pull out of the park he will say one second and may not be ready to come out for more than half an hour. You taught him this by doing it with him.
So beware of what you are subconsciously teaching your child.

4- Don’t buy their services
Stop bribing your child into doing things. Because this will only lead to them not performing their duties when not bribed.
Always encourage them, praise them and tell them the importance of the work that they do instead of buying their services.
This can lead you into many problems as the child grows and starts asking you for bigger and costlier stuff in return for work that they should anyways be doing and learning.

5- Find out the right task
Every child can’t be interested in everything. So spend time and put in effort to find out what is your child’s favorite activity.
You can then focus more on the activity that your child likes and introduce the others later. Go step by step.

6- Appreciate appreciate appreciate
Yes appreciation works wonder in motivating a child. Appreciate the small things that your child does. Like filling up a bottle and keeping it in the fridge or behaving well in a party.
Kids always want to impress their parents and appreciation makes them feel they have and encourages them to keep up the good work.

Dealing with kids only needs a little bit of patience. Teachers at Billabong High International School have what it takes to guide a child right. Billabong school Thane believes in making the beautiful growing up journey of every child and parent a smooth and wonderful experience.

Say bye to your child’s exam blues

Examination time can be a daunting period for both children and the parents. The students need to by heart the subjects and deliver at the exam time, and the parents need to guarantee that they help their children in preparing and overcoming the stress of exams as much as possible. Truth be told, parents can play a noteworthy part in motivating their children to succeed in academic examinations. Ms. Ranjini Krishnaswamy (Director-Principal) of Billabong high international school Thane, discusses the role of parents in preparing their children for exams and defeating the anxiety of exams.

  1. Preparation is the best stress buster at exam-time. Ensure your child follows this brilliant rule, and is not left with any part of the syllabus unprepared.
  1. The period running up to the exams is a brilliant time. The key is to sort out the timetable in such a way to cover all subjects completely.
  1. Children at their tender age are very receptive. Accordingly, it’s much easy to instill positivism in their brains so that your child can develop the coping mechanism to deal with stress and to figure out how to manage the stress of exams. This empowers them to de-stress themselves and not panic at exam time.
  1. Ensure your children has a healthy eating regimen, has adequate physical exercise and general sleep during the examination period.
  1. Try not to overburden your child with high expectations.
  1. Trust on diligent work throughout the year as opposed to lat minute study.
  1. Never let them slice every day exercises they appreciate to make room for more study time. This will just prompt a increase of anxiety that could prompt poor execution in the exams.
  1. Practice and revision throughout the session without forgetting any bit is the way to success and your child ought to be urged to clear any questions or doubts as opposed to excluding the tough portion.
  1. Continuously applaud them for their diligent work and remunerate them with gifts.
  1. Instill positive thought in your child.
  1. Commit them a big party after the exams are over, and stay faithful to your commitment!

Apart from these, school also plays an important role in overcoming the exam stress of your child. You should choose the Billabong high international school thane, where your child is given special and personal attention so that he gets the high qulaity education and should face his exams without any stress. Teachers of this school are so well trained that they impart education in best possible way. So enroll your child now.

Documentaries – Providing Insights into the Reality


“Picture speaks a thousand words.” You must have heard this saying.  But moving visuals leave an immense impact on the viewers.  Movies are one of the most powerful mediums of communication. They inspire, entertain, inform and sometimes even educate. Documentary is one such genre of the movie which is non-fictional and made with the intent to depict reality. Though most of us, of late, might not be fascinated by the idea of watching documentary but they are surely the source of motivation simultaneously providing diversion. Documentaries can be viewed to explore any subject deeply and the best part is they are made for the viewers of young age as less as six.

Documentaries can be opinionated, controversial, and raw, and filmmakers often use graphic scenes to illustrate their point of view. Hence it is extremely important to choose appropriate movies bearing in mind the age of your kids. Teachers from Billabong High International School Thane are telling about some excellent documentaries to show your kids.

  • Wings of Life – (Ages 6+)

This Disney movie taps into the curiosity of your kid by celebrating the earth’s unsung heroes.

  • A Place at the Table– (Ages 9+)

The pervasive problem of food insecurity is discussed in this affecting documentary that’ll make your kids grateful for what they have and possibly inspire them to help.

  • Walking with Dinosaurs – (Ages 10+)

This is a documentary with twist.Digital technology is showcased that recreates the 155-million-year reign of the dinosaurs.

  • The Dream Is Now – (Ages 12+)

If you want your kids to get interested in world affairs, this movie featuring real kids discussing their daily challenges are guaranteed to get their attention.

  • Blackfish – (Ages 13+)

This heart-breaking documentary unfolds like a psychological thriller, making its point with beautiful and brutal imagery.

  • Chasing Ice – (Ages 14+)

Global warming is a hot topic, and it’s hard to argue with this movie’s time-lapse evidence of glacial retreat by National Geographic photographer James Balog.

  • The Square – (Ages 15+)

This Oscar-nominated movie about the Arab Spring prominently features the modern communication tools teens love so much which are YouTube, camera-phone videos and social-media posts.

Billabong High International School Thane is one of the Best Pre-primary schools in Thanewhich strives to provide world class education.